


Outdoor Advertising, Paint Lab


Boston, Atlanta, Seattle, Chicago, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, San Francisco

7 Walls


Sustainability. You hear the term a lot these days, but Overall Murals put its money where its murals are with an eco-friendly air purifying application sprayed on seven of our high-impact, wall murals for Coca-Cola. As with some of our other refreshing beverage wallscapes, the bottles appear crystal clear and beaded with moisture. They look delicious, if we may say so.
We hand painted the iconic red and white advertisements across the country to raise awareness around how all Coca-Cola’s 20 oz. bottles are 100 percent recycled - and recyclable - the murals were painted in multiple cities in some of America’s busiest, coolest neighborhoods:
Coca-Cola’s new bottles are made from 100% recycled PET (rPET) plastic. To honor the beverage giant’s commitment to sustainability, OM covered each mural with an eco-friendly Air-Purifying Application, a clear photocatalytic coating, that uses the power of light to eliminate odors and improves air quality.
Air-Purifying nanotechnology enables it to actually eat smog (perfect for busy cities, which is where you’ll find all of our murals) while creating a hydrophilic, self-cleaning surface, reducing the need for maintenance and cleaning. Which means our deep, rich reds and bright, sunny whites are even deeper and richer, brighter and sunnier…and the caramel-colored Coke in every bottle begs to be consumed to its recyclable bottom!