

Outdoor Advertising, OM Art Studio


Los Angeles, New York

3 Walls


For the month of No-vember, OM Art Studio’s team spearheaded the creative development for Pure Leaf’s “No is Beautiful” campaign focused on encouraging women to embrace the power of “No”, so they can say “Yes” to a more balanced life.
Overall Murals carefully curated the artists based on the client’s vision, choosing two outstanding illustrators whose styles embody Pure Leaf and their collaboration with renowned Spoken Word Poet, Author, and Speaker Arielle Estoria and her captivating poem, “The Beautiful Art of No”.
We collaborated with LA-based artist Ashley Lukashevsky, who uses her craft to illustrate progressive social movements and issues by drawing what the world would look like without harmful systems in place.
And across the country, in NYC, we worked alongside illustrator Perryn Ford a contemporary figurative illustrator and painter who uses her art to create greater connections and community within ourselves and the world around us. Her work is inspired by beautiful landscapes and the natural female form.
Both artists made the perfect fit as they successfully delivered two memorable designs that encapsulated the poem along with honoring Pure Leaf’s natural ingredients and incorporating some of its bottle’s most recognizable colors.Ashley’s design can be seen hand painted on our Windward Ave Domination, a FIRST TO MARKET mural campaign with four adjacent street-level walls, enabling the brand’s story to be told in the heart of LA’s Venice Beach. On the other side of the coast, Perryn Ford’s design can be seen on the largest and grandest wall in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, artistically hand painted on the William Vale Hotel.
Ashley and Perryn visited their murals where they joined Arielle Estoria and our content creation team who captured both artists and poet reacting to their visions come to hand paint life.
Both artists and Pure Leaf, hope the murals capture people’s attention and leave an impression that inspires, and encourage others to share their “No” stories on their Instagram using the hashtag #NOISBEAUTIFUL. In fact, onlookers are encouraged to pose in front of the murals and post their own “NO” Stories on their Instagram using the hashtag and tagging the Pure Leaf brand.