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27 items found for "QR code"
Blog Posts (12)
- Mobile Integration in Outdoor Advertising
So we painted a Snapcode on the mural so passersby could scan the QR code and use the Snapchat app to Brands have also found success by utilizing QR codes as a simple and effective way to promote themselves For example, we painted a scannable QR code on GoPuff’s mural, targeting young professionals on the go During their mural campaign, the QR code directed over 575,000 city dwellers directly to the app store codes are a way to seal the deal for brands looking to turn audiences into active fans.
The end product allowed the digital image to come alive, helping differentiate the various scenes with Surrounding the text are roses, stars and hopeful symbols of better things to come. Smack dab between a pair of bird wings is a large QR code to bring folks to our store, where you can We added another QR code here to bring users of it to vote.org.
- Bigger, Bolder, Out of Home: The Unique Possibilities with Hand Paint
campaigns in the out-of-home advertising world, but do hand painted murals have the upper hand when it comes Wet weather is usually our greatest adversary to the process when it comes to our oil-based mural ads When it comes to illuminated wall units, our hand painted mural spaces have the advantage of all things
Other Pages (15)
street art mural that grabbed the attention of passersby (835,680 to be exact) and as an added bonus, a QR code was drawn onto the side of the mural. The QR code is a great tool, especially during the pandemic as it provides viewers with a seamless experience code usage {…}.“ Adweek also notes, “41% of consumers are willing to scan QR codes for contactless purchase As a result, Lexus’s use of QR codes was a perfect approach to lead every Williamsburg millennial, already
IWC also incorporated a QR code on the mural design, so passersby could engage with the artwork by scanning the QR code where they could virtually try the watch on their wrist.
To increase the following for their newly launched Instagram account , we handpainted a scannable QR Code alongside each “journey” that encouraged onlookers to take “a Peek at Something New”. The QR code opened up in Chase Sapphire’s Instagram handle so people could follow the account and receive The QR Codes delivered immediate and trackable results building increased consumer enthusiasm for the